Some people with vision problems opt for surgical treatment to treat their problematic eye conditions. Those conditions may include double vision, lazy eye, crossed eyes or convergence insufficiency. Patients who are wary of surgical intervention are using the alternative science of vision therapy that trained optometrists recommend. The prevailing current thought is that vision therapy does effectively correct problematic eye conditions. So you don't have to simply plod along and learn to live with your eye problems anymore.

What is Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy is a therapeutic method used by licensed optometrists to put your eyes and brain to work in unison for the common goal of giving you better vision. It's a sort of physical therapy modality wherein once or twice weekly you perform vision exercises under the supervision of your optometrist or designated therapists. A unique set of exercises is designed to meet your specific visual need. The exercise class lasts for about 30 to 60 minutes. You might also be assigned exercises that you must perform at home between your office visits. You'll be given a complete comprehensive exam before you begin the exercise program.

What Is The Purpose Of Vision Exercises?

Once you begin the exercise program, your optometrist's goal is to help you alter how you process and interpret visual information. The program will assist you in improving your rudimentary visual skills and abilities. Expect to ultimately improve your visual comfort with ease and efficiency by the time you complete the exercise program.

Equipment Used To Help You Achieve Your Goal

Medical equipment will be used to help you achieve your vision therapy goal, and qualified optometry vision care professionals will supervise that aspect of your therapy. A variety of corrective and therapeutic lenses will be introduced for your use. Electronic targets with timing mechanisms will also aid your therapeutic goal. Blocking features such as eye patches also play a part in the therapy you receive. Visual-motor-sensory integration training devices will help modify your vision problem as well.

What Experts Predict For Your Post Vision Therapy

Experts predict that you will experience improved visual abilities and that you'll have more comfort with your eyesight following vision therapy. They say that given time and regular treatment, you'll notice that your visual processing and skills have improved and that you'll even use that lazy eye condition more effectively. From all indications, it appears that this innovative new method of correcting vision problems is proving its worth. You should speak with your optometrist and learn whether this program can solve your problematic vision condition.

Visit a vision service like Cripe Stephens & Stickel for more information.
